
QuickBooks Error1625 – All Methods & Details to Fix

Do you get the QuickBooks error message that says this installation is prohibited by your system policy? We have your back. QuickBooks is an amazing accounting software. You probably rely on this program. It’s like your heartbeat. What if it stopped beating one day?

This can happen without prior notice. This can be corrected by following some simple steps. This article has covered all possible solutions.

The Primary Reasons for QuickBooks Error 1625

The primary reason for QuickBooks Error 1625 occurs when your system is corrupted or does not contain the required files.

  • Some files may be damaged if the internet is disconnected abruptly.
  • The files and registry entries of Windows may be affected by a virus.
  • This problem could also be caused by missing files in the software directory.
  • The error could also be caused by problems with the installer or framework.

We have listed the top five solutions. If your problem persists, we recommend that you seek the assistance of a professional technician to help you resolve it quickly. Now, let’s get to the details!

Error details and Messages

The message usually states that the system policy forbids installation. This error may appear when you attempt to update or install QuickBooks software. This error can also occur when you try to install other programs, services, or utilities that have administrator privileges.

This error message may appear when you set up Windows. However, the security policy has been enabled on that computer. QuickBooks will tell you the problem and offer solutions. This solution works for both Mac and Windows versions of QuickBooks.

Signs Of QuickBooks Error 1625

QuickBooks error code 1625 occurs when the system shuts down, starts up or is in use. A few users reported the error due to the Windows security policy being enforced on the framework.

Before moving to the solution

It is highly recommended to have backups of any sensitive or irretrievable information on a separate hard drive. After you have made sure that all data is secure, we can tweak the various components of the OS and software.

Fixing error 1625 in QuickBooks

Fix 1: Using Regedit:

  1. First, we need to check for errors in Regedit or Windows registry editor. Type “Command” without pressing Enter.
  2. It will search the menu automatically and display a dialog box.
  3. This will be used to run Regedit. Use the Shift and Ctrl keys together.
  4. After completing the form, you will be asked for your permission. Select Yes to continue.
  5. You can enter Regedit in the black dialog box that blinks.
  6. Enter and choose Export from the File Menu.
  7. Name the backup file, and the Export Range box will follow suit.
  8. When saving the file, add the extension

This will create a backup for Windows and allow you to inspect the error.

2: Verify the UAC Settings

You can also configure the UAC settings to solve problems with QuickBooks updates. These are the steps to configure:

  1. In the Start Menu, type “MSCONFIG”, and then click on the System Configuration icon.
  2. Continue in the new box, and locate the highlighted button “Change UAC Setting”.
  3. These settings will be activated. There will be many options. Select “Never Notify” from there.
  4. Your device might need to be restarted in order to fully apply the settings. Restart your computer if this is necessary.

Once it’s resolved, we can identify the root cause. Let’s move on to the next step.

Update Drivers

This error can also be caused by outdated drivers. You need to identify which drivers aren’t updated. They may have to be manually updated. Refreshing the drivers is one way to find out. Check if all drivers are working. To fix driver updates, you can use driver doc. If you experienced the QuickBooks error because of outdated drivers, this should have fixed it. Let’s move on to another solution if there are any other issues or problems with the system.

Fix 4 – Changing/Configuring Windows Settings

These steps will allow you to set up Windows 10/8/7.

  1. Find the Run dialog box in the Start menu. This will allow us to access .
  2. After clicking the OK button, open the Window and go to the section Local Computer Policy.
  3. Choose Administrative templates from the Computer configuration.
  4. Locate Windows Components to locate the Windows Installer.
  5. You must allow “Vendor signed Updates” here. To do this, check and uncheck the “Prohibit Non-Administrators” option.
  6. It should be disabled. Then, press OK.

Give the accounting software another try to see if it continues to work.

Fix 5 – Configure the Software Restrictions

Software restrictions can sometimes cause issues with QuickBooks updates. This can be changed by specific Administrator commands.

  1. Go to Control Panel.
  2. Select the Admin tools.
  3. Go to the Local Security settings.
  4. You will need to select the Software restriction policy.
  5. Click on the undefined Software Restriction Policy Node to choose “New Restriction Policy.”
  6. Click Enforcement twice, then choose the “All Users Except Admin” option.
  7. Click OK to restart the device.

It should now allow the software update to work correctly.

Frequently Asked Question

What’s QuickBooks?

QuickBooks is an accounting software. It can also be used with other software programs. It functions as a book-keeping program and keeps track of all finances, income and expenses. This helps to streamline the business process.

What’s QuickBooks Error 1625?

QuickBooks error 1625 can be a problem for users as it prevents them from accessing their office tools, when they attempt to update or install the software.

Why is QuickBooks Error 1625 occurring?

A faulty registry editor entry is the most common cause. This error can also be caused by a failed update download. To determine which solution is responsible for your problem, you can look through all of the possible solutions.


We have discussed the factors that can cause error 1625 in QuickBooks and the solutions offered by Intuit QuickBooks Support. These steps will help you fix the error code 1625 that occurs during installation of QuickBooks.

We hope you found this helpful. Please leave a comment below if you need further assistance.

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